Caldwell Recreation Commission
Board Meeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the Caldwell Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:32PM in the BOE office with four members present. Also, present were Alan Jamison, secretary and Sean Blosser, director. Jeff Ediger, member, was absent.
The agenda was then approved as presented.
A motion by Jake Ginn, seconded by Ryan Mayo to approve the minutes. Passed 4-0.
A report from the director was reviewed. It included updates on Blue Crew, soccer, baseball, & softball. Ryan Mayo moved, seconded by Jake Ginn to pay entry fee in a 12 & under league of $300. Passed 4-0
The board discussed the bills presented. Jake Ginn moved and Amanda Eckermann seconded the motion to pay the bills as presented. Passed 4-0.
Under old business, the board briefly discussed items from the past meetings (fencing & lights).
New business was about checking on the bus, and some questions about scheduling practices, game changes via text, coaches meetings, and parent questions. Some discussion was held on cooperative agreements.
The next recreation board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 7 at 7:30PM in the BOE office.
With no other items on the agenda, the board adjourned at 8:05PM.
(These minutes are unofficial until approved by the Caldwell Recreation Commission board at the next meeting.)